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Different LinkedIn Connection Messages

Different LinkedIn Connection Messages

With around 650 million users, LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking site. Whether you are a salaried employee, a business owner, or a freelancer, you need to have a LinkedIn account to grow your professional network. The great thing about LinkedIn is that it allows its members to connect one-on-one with any other user. When you send an invitation to a person to join your network, they would want to know who you are and what you do. To eliminate guesswork, always send a personal message with your invitation.


Tips for writing effective LinkedIn connection messages that get read

LinkedIn is a professional networking website. Most LinkedIn users are professionals who are looking for opportunities to expand their professional network. LinkedIn members mean serious business. You will rarely come across people on LinkedIn who are interested in having a chit chat.


To grow your network, you need to adopt a professional and formal approach. Sending casual and informal messages is a strict NO. Many users send automated, vague, and brief messages to members they want to connect with. Such messages rarely get read (needless to say the request doesn’t get accepted either).


To increase the chances of your request getting accepted, you need to give the person a solid reason to connect with you. If you are interested in connecting with a particular member, the chances are that you have already visited their profile and know what they do, and the things that interest them. You can use this information to give the person a reason to connect with you. If, for instance, you and the person have a common hobby, remember to highlight the fact in your message.


Use an impactful title

Before starting to write your message, think about how you know the person and why you want to connect with them. Ask yourself important questions, such as does the person share a contact with you or is a complete stranger?


Once you have answers to these questions, use the information to craft a personalized title. If, for instance, you and the person are into programming, an apt headline can be ‘fellow programmer seeking advice.’ If you met the person somewhere recently (for instance, at an event last night), instead of using a vague headline such as ‘following up,’ craft a specific title such as ‘following up from last night’s event.’


Introduce yourself

When writing a personal message, do not assume that the person will click on your profile after receiving your request. Be respectful of the person’s time and introduce yourself in one or two lines. Your intro must include important information, such as who you are and what you do. If you are contacting someone on your company’s behalf, remember to mention your job title.


Customize your message

To get people to respond to your request, you need to customize every connection message. Sending an uncustomized message would make you look lazy and unprofessional, increasing the chances of the person declining your request to connect. If you haven’t visited the person’s profile, now is the best time to do so. Visiting their profile page will help you know the person better.


Once you have the user’s professional details, use the information to craft a personalized message. You can use these angles to connect successfully with people.


The industry angle

You can use this angle to connect with users who work in an industry you want to know more about. You can also use this angle to seek the person’s opinion on the industry in which they operate.


The project angle

You can use this approach to connect with people who have worked on a project that is related to something you’re currently doing.


The mentor angle

This angle can be used as a form of thank you. You can use this angle to connect with people whose works have inspired you.


The perspective angle

Use this angle when you want to seek the perspective of a person on a topic related to a skill you both share.



No one has the time to read lengthy, descriptive messages. After introducing yourself, get quickly to the point. Dive into why you want to connect with the person. Use references. End your message by thanking the person.


Some templates to try when writing your connection messages

“I really liked your article on (XYZ topic), and would love to connect with you so that we can discuss the topic in detail.”


“It was great meeting you last night at (XYZ event). Let’s connect.”


“Your profile came up when I was looking for top professionals at (XYZ co.). I would love to know what drew you to the company. Can we connect?”


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