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The Best LinkedIn InMail Subjects to Help Increase Open Rates

The Best LinkedIn InMail Subjects to Help Increase Open Rates

LinkedIn is arguably the most used online platform for recruitment and professional networking. With close to around 600 million users, LinkedIn’s influence is unquestionable. No matter the industry you operate in, you need to have a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn has various features that help users connect with each other. Inmail is one of Linkedin’s most sought-after messaging features.


LinkedIn InMail: An introduction

LinkedIn features can be divided into two categories: unpaid features and paid features. LinkedIn InMail is a premium LinkedIn messaging feature that allows users to send a direct message to members they are not connected to. LinkedIn members who want to use this feature must upgrade their basic account to a premium account.

Every LinkedIn member gets a specific number of InMail credits. The number of InMail credits that you get will depend on your subscription type. To find the number of available InMail credits for your account, go to your Manage Your Account page.

To send an InMail to a second-degree connection, all you need to do is navigate to the member’s account (whom you want to message) and click on the InMail button to compose and send your message.

InMails are usually used to connect to second-degree connections. InMail messages cannot have more than 200 characters in the subject line. The character count for the body should not exceed 1,900 characters.


The three types of InMail subject lines

Sending InMails to second-degree connections does not mean anything if they do not open your message. Your InMail subject is the first thing the person you want to connect to will notice about your message. To get your messages noticed, you need to use impactful subject lines that generate interest. A study shows that around 35 percent of LinkedIn members open an InMail only if the subject line resonates with them.

InMail subject lines can be broadly classified into three types:



Keepers are impactful subject lines that give the person a reason to open the InMail. Keepers get the maximum attention because they aptly summarize the content. To get your message noticed, leverage common connections and any sort of shared experience you have had with the person.



These are boring subject lines that rarely incite a response. To improve your open rates, you need to stop sending sleepers. Avoid using overused phrases and statements such as we’re hiring, job opportunity with XYZ company, or new marketing manager role.



Bleepers are the worst of the bunch. InMails with boring subject lines will not only go unnoticed but will also hurt your brand’s reputation.


Tips to optimize your InMail subject lines:


Keep it short and sweet

Your InMail subject line should generate interest without revealing much. Avoid using descriptive messages. Remember, once the person has opened the message, you will have enough time to get your message across. Give them a subtle hint on what they stand to benefit by opening the message. Try to keep the character count of your InMail subject between 25 and 40 characters.



Before starting to send InMails to candidates, you need to remember that they receive tonnes of messages from recruiters regularly. To increase the chances of them opening your message, you need to make it personal. To personalize your InMail subject line, you can:

  • Talk about a shared connection who recommended that you get in touch with the candidate.

  • Compliment them on an article/post that they recently shared.


Everyone likes receiving compliments. When you praise a candidate for their achievements, you give them one more reason to open your InMail. Experts also recommend including the candidate’s name in the subject line. Studies suggest that candidates are 26 percent more likely to open a message when they find their name in the subject line, and what’s more, including the name of your candidates in your subject lines can boost click-through rates by 130 percent.


Address pain points

To create value, address the recipients' pain points. If, for instance, you are sending InMails to candidates who may be underpaid or overworked at their current job, you need to show them that there is another way. Use phrases such as- stop wasting your time doing mindless work, make your passion your job, not a hobby, and start getting paid for doing what you love. These phrases will assure the candidate that you have a solution to their current situation.


Ask questions that matter

When composing your InMail subject lines, ask important questions, such as:

  • Who is your recipient, and why do you want them to read your message?

  • Is your subject line clear and concise?

  • Does it promise to solve a problem or a reward/benefit?

  • Does your subject line relate logically to the message?


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